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Governance Task Force


In the spring of 2015 the Shared Facilities Committee (SFC) authorized a Governance Review Task Force to review the governance policies and procedures at LHP.  The Task Force reported that there was very little in terms of these policies and procedures and recommended the advice and guidance of a consultant to work with the Task Force and SFC to develop these important governance documents. 


The SFC accepted these recommendations and in the fall of 2015 retained Capacity Canada to undertake this important work.  In the winter of 2016 Capacity Canada provided the Task Force with an initial draft of these documents and currently the group is working with the consultant to tailor these documents to our needs at LHP.


The Task Force will provide the SFC and all LHP directors with final draft documents to consider in the late spring of 2016 at an all-day working session.  Once this has been completed a final working document will be presented to the SFC for its approval and implementation in summer 2016. 


A copy of the final set of governance policies and procedures will be made available to owners by request to the property management office.


Yacht & Tennis Club

470 Mariners Way, Collingwood, ON, L9Y5C7

Office: (705) 445-1636

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